The project consists of a distributor road of approximately 4km length. The alignment runs from R126 Hearse Road on the southwest of Donabate village, heading in an easterly direction, crossing the Dublin-Belfast railway line, then heading in a northerly direction to reconnect with R126 Portrane Road. Construction of the scheme is to consist of constructing the distributor road as a single carriageway for the entire length. There is a bridge over the Dublin-Belfast railway line which is to be constructed for a full dual carriageway development of the scheme. The associated works include: 1. The construction of approximately 4km of single carriageway road; 2. Construction and realignment of affected side roads along with associated junctions; 3. Construction of bridge over Dublin-Belfast railway line; 4. Site clearance; 5. Excavations for roadworks and drainage; 6. Embankment construction; 7. Traffic management; 8. The provision of safety barriers and pedestrian guardrails; 9. The construction of noise barriers; 10. The construction of drainage, including chambers, drains, filter drains, swales, headwalls, culverts and attenuation ponds; 11. The provision of road markings, traffic signage and lighting;1 2. The provision of traffic signals; 13. The installation of ducting for service provisions and relocations and the diversion of existing services that are affected by the works; 14. Pavement construction, including tie-ins to existing public roads; 15. The construction of boundary treatments and fencing; 16. Associated earthworks and landscape works; and 17. Accommodation works.
As well as creating better access to Donabate and Portrane and alleviating traffic congestion in the village, it will also improve access to the strategically important National Forensic Mental Hospital in Portrane when this national facility becomes operational in two years’ time. The Distributor Road will lead to the provision of 1,200 housing units by 2021 with an anticipated potential build of 2,200 units being provided in the long-term.
The Donabate Distributor Road is scheduled to take 18 months to complete. RPS is Client Representative to Fingal County Council, providing planning, design services as well as contract and construction supervision.
The €20 million project is co-funded under LIHAF by the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government (75%) and Fingal County Council (25%). MEIC is the appointed contractor.
The Donabate Distributor Road is part of the Donabate Local Area Plan 2016-2022 which is designed to deliver social and physical infrastructure to the area in order to create sustainable communities. As well as a phased delivery of a wide range of house types and sizes there are also plans for the development of commercial and recreational facilities including the Donabate Recreation Hub, the Broadmeadow Greenway and the Corballis Nature Park.
To find out more details on this Road & Path Development in Dublin Started on 2018-01-08 take the free trial here.