A residential development comprising 90 no. Residential units, (20 no. Semi-detached houses, 32 no. Terrace houses, 1 no. 5 storey apartment block over basement, comprised of 38 no. Apartments and basement parking), additional parallel parking along the castletroy college road, 2 storey creche and community play pitch, accessed via a new entrance onto the castletroy college road and all ancillary site development works on lands at newtown, castletroy, co. Limerick. Ancillary site development works include a new connection to the public water main, foul and surface water drainage, access roads, footpaths, vehicle parking, landscaping, boundary treatments and site development works above and below ground. The application is accompanied by a natura impact statement
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Limerick Applied for on 2019-06-06 take the free trial here.