Permission for the demolition of existing single-storey detached dwelling and outbuildings and construction of 5 no. Two-storey, three-bedroom contemporary style dwellings (comprising 3 no. Detached and 2 no. Semi-detached dwellings); creation of 2 no. New vehicular entrances off the old kilgobbin road to serve the 2 no. House type a dwellings; creation of a new access road off the old kilgobbin road to provide access to house type b and c dwellings (3 no. In total); provision of 2 no. On-curtilage car parking spaces for each dwelling; private open space for each dwelling; suds drainage, boundary treatment, landscaping and all ancillary works necessary to facilitate the development.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Granted permission on 2018-03-08 take the free trial here.