Permission for development. The development will consist of: the demolition of the existing house, perimeter walls to road and removal of the existing vehicular entrance at no. 57 Foxrock avenues; the construction of 7no. Two storey houses, including 4no. 3-bed end of terrace houses (Types B, B2, B3, B4), 1 no. 3-bed terraced house (type B1) and 2no. 2-bed terraced houses (both type d); unit types B, B1 and B2 have a shared front garden and 4no. Car parking spaces entered from a new vehicular entrance at Foxrock Avenue in lieu of existing entrance serving no. 57 unit types B3, B4 and D (both) have a shared front garden and 4no. Car parking spaces entered from a new vehicular entrance at Foxrock Avenue; the development will also include for associated site development works, including drainage and hard & soft landscaping works (including boundary treatments) bicycle storage, bin stores, and all other ancillary works to facilitate the development. (the site of this application already benefits from Permission for a total of 7no. houses – Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council Reg. Refs. D17A/0192 and D18A/0043 refer).
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Granted permission on 2021-06-17 take the free trial here.