Permission for the development of a 24 hour opening motorway service area to include: 1. Vehicle fuelling station with 12 no. Bays and a 2 bay hgv fuelling station with canopy; 2. A single storey services building with canopy including: convenience store (incorporation full off sales for the sale of alcohol) (100 sqm); food court with cafe and restaurant uses, including take away facilities; indoor play area; offices and reception with tourist information; public toilet changing and shower facilities; plant room; storage and associated services; 3. A single storey roofed enclosure attached to the rear of the services building and associated yard for storage and services; and 4. External facilities and works include picnic, play, amenity and rest areas; bicycle parking; car and hgv parking spaces, electrical vehicle charging points; upgrading of existing vehicular entrance from the r704, signage, on site waste water treatment system, including percolation area and all associated site developments.

To find out more details on this Service Station Development in Kilkenny Granted permission on 2017-11-13 take the free trial here.

At R704

Plans Granted

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