The development will consist of the demolition of the existing detached bungalow dwelling and ancillary buildings including the removal of the existing vehicular entrance and driveway on Shanliss Way, the development of a new three-storey apartment building for a total of 8 no. mixed-size apartments, including 4 no. single-bedroom apartment at ground floor level with independent access on Shanliss Way, with private rear garden and independent bicycle storage; 4 no. two-bedroom duplex apartments at the above floors with access from 2 no. shared open staircase, rear private terrace on the first-floor level, with locked bicycle storage at street level; bin storage area at the rear accessed from the side lane along the southern boundary of the site, 8 no. surface car spaces at streel level and new vehicular entrance to each car parking space, within the site line on Shanliss Way; hard and soft landscaping, lighting, boundary treatment, and associated site works.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Applied for on 2021-07-15 take the free trial here.