The proposed development will consist of the following amendments to the existing building on-site; the demolition of single-storey structures to the rear, enlargement of window opes to the rear at first, the second and third floor level of the existing 4 no. Storey building, additional balcony at first-floor level, replacement of existing gate fronting Thomas Street with a glazed shop front entrance including signage, and an additional 1 no. Bed apartment at set back fourth-floor level. The development will also include an extension to the rear of the existing building to provide a linked six-storey over basement aparthotel comprising 22 no. Aparthotel units, ancillary spaces including the lobby area, reception, bin store, bike store, laundry and staff facilities, piped infrastructure and ducting; green roof areas for drainage attenuation purposes; plant room (at basement level); landscaping within proposed courtyard/light well areas; boundary treatments; and all associated site development.

To find out more details on this Hotel & Guesthouse Development in Dublin Granted permission on 2020-06-15 take the free trial here.


Plans Granted

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