Construction of a two storey motorcar retail showroom (c. 904sq. M); 2 floors of ancillary offices and associated uses; access to be provided from existing entrance the internal circulation road to the west; provision of 19 visitors and staff surface car parking (1 disabled access space, 2 electric vehicle charging spaces and 4 bicycle parking spaces); 89 spaces for the display and valet of vehicles, including display area; signage comprising 3 totem signs (2 x 6m and 1 x 7. 5m in height) and 5 elevational signs (c. 20. 19sq. M of signage in total); signage storey substation and bin store as well as all associated infrastructure, landscaping and associated site development works including plant and PV panels at roof level all on a site of c. 0. 59ha.

To find out more details on this Car Showroom Development in Dublin Granted permission on 2020-04-23 take the free trial here.

Ballymount Road Upper

Plans Granted

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