10 year permission for a mixed used development to be constructed over 2 no. phases (1 & 2) and 3 no. blocks (A,B, & C) and totalling 7,398 sq.m gross floor space on this site of 0.81 hectares. The proposed development comprises: Phase 1 – Blocks A & B fronting Northwood Avenue with a proposed new vehicular access off Old Ballymun Road; Block A comprises a 4 storey height building of three floors over a 64 no. space undercroft car park, 1st floor Licensed Discount Foodstore with a net retail sales area of 1,415 sq.m. 2nd and 3rd floor office space of 2000 sq.m, Block A has a gross floor space of 4,259.5sq.m, and Block B comprises a 2 storey drive-thru restaurant of 352 sq.m; Phase 2: Block C fronting Ballymun road will share the proposed vehicular access and provide a pedestrian link to the proposed Northwood Metro stop; Block C comprises a 6 storey height building of five floors over a 13 no. space undercroft car park with offices at upper floors of 502 sq.m per floor and a plant and reception floor area of 160 sq.m and 116.5 sq.m respectively and as totalling 2,786.5 sq.m. The development also comprises surface level car parking of 59 no. spaces and as totalling 136 no. car parking spaces, 46 no. cycle spaces, the erection of associated advertising signage (including 1 no. tripod sign), the provision of new pedestrian/cycle access, enhanced circulation areas and civic space to the Northwood Avenue frontage and the provision of boundary treatments, hard and soft landscaping, lighting, connections to drainage and water services and all other ancillary and associated works.

To find out more details on this Bar & Restaurant Development in Dublin Started on 2014-04-05 take the free trial here.

Ballymun Road/Old Ballymun Road


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