Permission is sought for development which will consist of a residential development with crèche comprising 100 No. residential units of 75 No. apartments comprising 6 No. one bed apartments, 65 No. two bed apartments, and 4 No. three bed apartments and 25 No. houses (24 No. 4 bed houses, 1 No. 5 bed house). The apartments are located in 4 blocks as follows: Block A is 4 storeys (including penthouse level) and contains 6 No. residential units comprising 5 No. two bed apartments, and 1 No. three bed apartment, (with a crèche at ground floor of approx. 89 sq.m); all apartments will have balconies/terraces. Block B is 5 storey (including penthouse level) over basement and contains 27 No. residential units comprising 2 No. one bed apartments, 23 No. two bed apartments, and 2 No. three bed apartments; all apartments will have balconies/terraces. Block C is 4 storeys over basement and contains 28 No. residential units comprising 4 No. one bed apartments and 24 No. two bed apartments; all apartments will have balconies/terraces. Block D is 5 storeys (including penthouse level) over basement and contains 14 No. residential units comprising 13 No. two bed apartments and 1 No. three bed apartment; all apartments will have balconies/terraces. House Types A, A1, B, B1 (24 No. in total) are 4 bedroom split 2 to 3 storeys residential units. House type A2 (1 No. in total) is a 5 bedroom, split 2 to 3 storeys. Permission is sought for vehicular and pedestrian access to the site from Heidelberg, Ardilea: provision of 175 No. car parking spaces consisting of 59 No. surface car parking spaces and 116 No. basement car parking spaces and 85 No. bicycle spaces (75 No. basement spaces and 10 No. surface spaces), ancillary bin storage/plant at basement level); Provision of 2.0m (in height) concrete post and timber panel infill wall along boundary with Salzberg, Salamanca, and Heidelberg; all landscaping (including the provision of a 3m bund/embankment along the southern boundary of site and a play area) and all boundary treatment, an ESB Substation as well as all associated site development and services works. All development on a site of 2.08 hectares.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Started on 2015-05-20 take the free trial here.