The construction of 91 no. Residential units and a new single storey creche building. The residential units will consist of 8 5-bed detached houses, 12 no. 4-bed semi-detached houses, 42 no. 3-bed semi-detached houses, 9 no. 3-bed terraced houses, 6 no. 2-bed terraced houses and 1 no. Apartment building consisting of 7 no. 2-bed apartments and 7 no. 1-bed apartments over 4 levels. The proposed development will also include new internal roadways and footpaths, the widening of the existing laneway to the west of the site , alterations to the existing roundabout at the proposed new site entrance, new vehicular and pedestrian access, new boundary treatments, landscaping, drainage, site services including a new esb substation and all ancillary site works.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Waterford Applied for on 2020-05-12 take the free trial here.