Alterations to previously approved development (Reg. Ref. F13A/0443/An Bord Pleanala Ref. No. PL06F.243435) which permitted 22 no. two storey plus attic level dwellings. The proposed alterations consist of: (i) an increase in the site area of the previously approved development from 2.44 hectares to 2.57 hectares, to include a portion of land immediately north-west fronting Streamstown Lane, and associated alterations to the application site boundary (red line area); and (ii) alterations to previously approved house types and unit mix to increase the number of dwellings from 22 to 32 no. (the development now comprising 2 no. two-storey, three bedroom, semi-detached dwellings fronting Streamstown Lane; 21 no. two and a half storey, five bedroom, detached dwellings and 9 no. two and a half storey, six bedroom, detached dwellings fronting Streamstown Wood and Park Avenue with on curtilage car parking, private open space, internal access roads, footpaths, landscaping, boundary treatment, street lighting, SuDS drainage and all ancillary site development works necessary to facilitate the development.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Granted permission on 2018-11-30 take the free trial here.