: 1) Alter the site layout & revise the site boundary in order to now consolidate the site as an 83 house development which encompasses houses 1-49, 56, 74-106. 2) Remove condition 12 (provision of a creche) and condition 16 (provision of a bring bank) from the original planning permission ref:. 3) Amend condition 5 of Ref: to comply with DMURS recommendations for sight distances on urban roads & streets. 4) Changes above are linked to Planning references P20/04 & P73/13 only. 5) Retain the individual site boundaries, road layouts & landscaping as constructed in this development. 6) Relocate & construct play area to new location, and all ancillary site work works. The significant further information/revised plans submitted relate to; Submission of supportive information for the justification for the removal of a crche facility originally granted on planning permission ref. nos. and all associated works with thi
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Monaghan Granted permission on 2015-02-05 take the free trial here.