Permission for modifications to existing permitted development (register reference sa900673 abp 17. 235104). The development will consist of: – 1. Change of house types at plots 44, 45, 46, 47 (as permitted) from 1 no. Detached and terrace block of 3 units to 2 no. Semi-detached units. 2. Change of position of pot 49 to facilitate a driveway. 3. Omission of chimneys and parapets from roofs to plots 38-50 (13 plots). 4. Elevational modifications arising from revised layouts to plots 38-50 (13 plots). 5. Minor amendments to site development works associated to plots 18-50 (13 plots).
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Meath Started on 2018-10-31 take the free trial here.