94no. residential units (comprising 5no. 4-bed detached dwelling houses, 3no. 3-bed detached dwelling houses, 9no. 3-bed apartments, 4no. 3-bed duplex apartments, 65no. 2-bed apartments and 8no. 1-bed apartments in 8no blocks ranging in height from 2-4 storey, with Ashbourne house, which is listed as a protected structure (Ref.00498), comprising 1 of those blocks). Works to Ashbourne House involve the demolition of modern extensions, refurbishment throughout, and its conversion to residential apartments. The proposed development also includes the provision of 1 no. cafe in the existing gate lodge building, which will be extended, associated car parking, internal roadway, revisions to the existing vehicular entrance to the south, and revised access arrangements to the north, which comprise new pedestrian accesses, landscaping and amenity areas including management of identified trees, foul and stormwater drainage, including attenuation, and all associated site development works. The proposed development consists of work to a protected structure and its curtilage.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Cork Applied for on 2021-04-23 take the free trial here.