1. The construction of a new two storey Pharmaceutical manufacturing building (Gross Floor Area 2187m²), with 2 no. external steel stairs and associated pipebridge extension to existing pipebridge, external ground level equipment including Standby generator, 2 no. chiller units, recessed waste holding tank and provision of new underground stormwater attenuation. 2. The construction of a new single storey external steel stairs to the northern elevation of exising building 1. 3. The construction of a new single storey enclosed electrical plant room (Gross Floor Area 25.4m²), between existing buildings 1 and 2. 4. Erection of a new sign and logo (5.28m²) over existing office entrance. 5. And all ancillary and associated site development works. And 6. Retention of an existing single storey temporary office building (Gross floor area 85.2m²), to the south of existing building 3, for a period of 5 years. 7. Retention of an existing single storey contractors compound (site area 1616m²), for a period of 5 years. (Planning Permission Ref FW09a/0090 refers). 8. And all ancillary and associated site development works.

To find out more details on this Factory Development in Dublin Started on 2015-12-15 take the free trial here.

Blanchardstown Industrial Park


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