The development will consist of: 71 no. two and three storey, three and four bedroom houses, (34 no. Type 3, 4 no. Type 4, 11 no. Type 7 three storey, four bedroom terraced houses and 22 no. Type 1, two storey, three bedroom terraced houses, with the option of a fourth bedroom at attic level with associated dormer window to the front and an option of a single storey return to the rear) all served by a total of 122 no. car parking spaces, associated open space, infrastructure and landscaping and the retention and completion of the existing road to the west of the proposed housing, originally built in accordance with an otherwise non-implemented permission Reg. Ref. 6061/04 and subsequently granted retention under the otherwise yet to be implemented permission Reg. Ref. 3604/12.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Started on 2018-01-01 take the free trial here.