Permission for development on a site of c.Q.38Ha. at the former Heidelberg/Miller Building, Davitt Road, Dublin 12. The proposed development shall provide for the demolition of the former Heidelberg/Miller building on site (2,742 sq m) and the construction of a mixed use development (total GFA c. 6,542 sq m incl. plant) of 3-4 storeys in height over 2 blocks comprising office accommodation (c.3,397 sq m); a retail unit (c. 175 sq m); and 25 residential units (c.2,465 sq m). Overall the residential component shall provide for 16 no. apartment units and 9 no. duplex units in the form of 3 no. 1 bed units (c. 55 sq m); 15 no. 2 bed units (c.81-90 sq m); and 7 no. 3 bed units (c. 101-103 sq m), all with associated balcony/terrace areas. Block A (4 storeys) shall provide for 10 no. office units (ranging in size from c.97 sq m – 423 sq m), 1 no. retail unit (c. 175 sq m); and 12 no. apartments. Block B (3 storeys) shall comprise 9 no. duplex units and 4 no. apartments. The development shall also provide for 43 no. car parking spaces, 72 no. bicycle parking spaces, plant area, storage areas, male and female changing facilities and waste storage areas, all at basement level; c.1,273 sq m public open spaces; access via Davitt Road; and all associated site development works.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Granted permission on 2015-08-14 take the free trial here.