E.O.D. on Pl. Ref. 08/32. Permission for the demolition of two existing houses, sheds and outbuildings, construction of creche, 3 No. retail units (225sq.m) and 3 No. office units (212sq.m), bar/restaurant (512sq.m) and 360 residential units (comprising of 78 No. apartments, 82 duplex units, 25 No. townhouses and 175 No. terraced, semi-detached and detached houses) in two and three storey blocks, bin storage, ESB substation, surface and basement car parking and all associated external and site development works including three vehicular access points and road widening along Ballymoneen Road
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Galway Granted permission on 2014-04-16 take the free trial here.