Permission for the (i) extension and refurbishment of the building incorporating the renovation of the front elevation, the re-instatement of the hipped roof on the western elevation, provision of 1 no. Dormer window on the western elevation and 1 no. Rooflight. (ii) change of use from residential to café/restaurant use. (iii) demolition of the non-original single and two storey extensions to the side and rear of the main dwelling, including sunroom and demolition of the existing single storey ancillary garage. (iv) provision of external terraces on the southern and eastern elevations of the building. (v) new vehicular exit gate, circulation route, delivery/loading area ad bin store. (vi) 9 no. Vehicular parking spaces (1 no. Disabled parking spaces) and 10 no. Bicycle parking spaces. (vii) 1 no. New pedestrian entrance on the southern site boundary; and (viii) landscaping, tree planting, suds drainage, signage and all ancillary works necessary to facilitate the development.
To find out more details on this Bar & Restaurant Development in Dublin Applied for on 2018-09-11 take the free trial here.