(a) Re-establishment of use and making good of public house and restaurant use of existing two-storey shamrock bar (previously burnt out) a protected structure ref. No. B40-20; now a partially roofed shell and construction of new and refurbished buildings around an internal patio courtyard; (b) Installation of a mezzanine floor into the existing two storey shell and reinstatement of elevational treatment to main street; (c) Demolition of the existing single storey bathroom extension to northern rear end; (d) Construction of new two-storey range linked to adjoining gable to north containing bathrooms and administration offices with gated enclosed public entrance courtyard accessed off main street; (e) Demolition of the remains of existing two storey rear return adjoining national wholesalers; (f) Construction of replacement double height return to include adjoining new conservatory, kitchen and service areas and glazed link to rear; (g) Demolition of existing dutch barn corrugated shed.

To find out more details on this Bar & Restaurant Development in Kildare Started on 2018-10-15 take the free trial here.

The Shamrock Bar


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