PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The works will comprise the carrying out of works to Protected Structures and will consist of localised demolition, refurbishment and extension to the existing historic buildings, ancillary areas and services, and upgrade of fire safety systems and disabled access facilities in order to form a new Ulysses Literary Centre at the Newman House complex. This application seeks permission for the following interventions; Number 86- Townhouse: Provision of new external steps and platform lift in lightwell to the front. Reconfiguration of male and female toilet block and development of cafe at Lower Ground Floor Level. Reinstating stair to Lower Ground Floor level. Formation of new toilet and locker room at Ground Floor Level. Removal of partitions to form single room at Second Floor level. Reconfiguration of toilets at Third Floor level. Number 85- Townhouse: Modifications of part of rear of Number 85 to form new stair and passenger lift linking all levels and the associated five storey glazed enclosure. Installation of new food circulation lift within existing spiral stairwell. Provision of new Cafe Kitchen and Gift Shop at Lower Ground Floor Level. Formation of new Briefing/Orientation space at Ground Floor level. Remodelling of room at Second Floor level. Formation of new toilets and server room at Second Floor Level. Installation of new corridor with single storey glazed enclosure at Roof level. Number 85- Aula Maxima: Renovation of existing double height hall and insertion of new split-level mezzanine structure to form new exhibition space. Formation of new two storey glazed bay to the South facade and insertion of new glazed doors to the West facade. Remodelling of existing accommodation at Second Floor level to form new exhibition and workshop space. Formation of new single storey ancillary accommodation at Lower Ground Floor level. Formation of new single storey temporary exhibition space with external terrace above. The proposed development will increase the existing floor area from c 3094m2 to c 3690m2. Permission is also sought for all associated site development, landscaping and boundary treatment works including installation of new hard landscaping to rear sunken courtyard, new steps from rear sunken courtyard to rear upper garden level and new hard landscaping to rear upper garden area.
To find out more details on this University Development in Dublin Granted permission on 2018-08-28 take the free trial here.