Development on a site measuring c. 2.25ha at the existing Tesco Store, Vevay Road, Bray. The site fronts onto Vevay Road and is bounded to the north by Charnwood. The proposed development comprises the demolition of all existing structures on site, including the Tesco supermarket and ancillary retail units (total area c. 5,296m2 gross) and construction of a replacement two storey commercial development having a gross floor area of c. 6,940m2. The existing mature landscaping to the eastern and western boundaries will be maintained and enhanced with additional landscaping/buffers proposed on the northern and southern boundaries. The development comprises: (i) construction of an eco-foodstore with the retail area at first floor level. The retail unit will have a gross retail area of c.5,462m2 (c.3,467m2 net retail area) including a subsidiary alcohol sales area. The proposed development is a replacement store and will result in an additional 248m2 of net floorspace from that already trading in the existing store; (ii) A service yard accessed via a ramp at first floor level with a marshalling area (c. 470m2); (iii) a café (c. 107m2) at first floor level; (iv) circulation space to include an atrium; (v) 464 no. car parking spaces to be provided at grade, part under first floor retail; (vi) the development necessitates a revised road layout in the vicinity of the site along Vevay Road to improve vehicular and pedestrian safety. The revised layout includes the provision of turning lanes and signalised junctions at both the junction of Charnwood and Vevay Road and the site entrance to replace the existing priority controlled junctions; (vii) an ancillary sub-station, signage (including 1 no. double sided internally illuminated totem sign), and ancillary plant. The development will include all ancillary site development works, site services, landscaping and repositioning of the existing recycling centre.

To find out more details on this Retail Development in Wicklow Granted permission on 2018-03-06 take the free trial here.

Tesco Stores

Plans Granted

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