24 hour single storey filling station building (692m2, 8m high) incorporating forecourt shop (net retail floor area 100m2) including ancillary off-licence, ancillary hot food deli and coffee facility for consumption in and off the premises, sit down / dining area, fast food facility including drive through (with designated vehicle access land on-site adjacent to the main building), ancillary stores, wc facilities, office and atm machine. Forecourt area and surrounding site to provide 10 no. Petrol / diesel dispensing pumps including canopy over (444ms, 5. 5m high), car wash / valet facility with ancillary store (11ms, 4m high), air/water/vacuum car service bar, underground fuel storage tanks, bin storage area, 94 no. Ancillary car parking spaces including drive through wait / mother & child / electric charge spaces, new site access / egress gate from adjacent m7 slip road located to the south of the site, surface paving, landscaping, watermain and associated connection, drainage includ
To find out more details on this Service Station Development in Kildare take the free trial here.