Permission for development of Donnybrook Primary Care Centre and additional works at Royal Hospital Donnybrook, Morehampton Road, Donnybrook, Dublin 4, D04 HX40. The proposed development comprises :(i)construction of a new Primary Care Centre, 4 storeys over basement level accommodating HSE medical diagnostics, consulting and treatment rooms plus ancillary offices, service areas, staff facilities & circulation (6,175sq.m.), General Practitioner Surgery (552sq.m.), Retail Pharmacy Unit (132sq.m.); car parking, cycle parking, plant, storage and refuse management at basement level; escape stair enclosure; external plant enclosure; all ancillary floorspace (505sq.m.); new Quadrangle Garden; 1 no. National Ambulance Service parking space; vehicular access via existing public entrance to Royal Hospital Donnybrook at Bloomfield Avenue; building signage; sub-station; external plant; connection to existing water and waste-water services;(ii) remove the existing main surface car park at Royal Hospital Donnybrook (82 no. spaces) and re-configure the entrance car park (12 no. spaces), and provide 94 no. spaces as follows, new car parking spaces adjacent to existing Hospital building (4 no.), re-configure and extend the Entrance Car Park (66 no.), extend car park adjacent to the Hospital Maintenance Yard (13 no.), and new car parking spaces adjacent to the Pavilion (11 no.); (iii) New controlled pedestrian and cycle link at Cullenswood Park with new entrance piers & gate, new steps and ramp to connect to existing internal path and road network within the grounds of Royal Hospital;(iv) All related site lighting, hard and soft landscaping, site development works and excavation works above and below ground.

To find out more details on this Care Home Development in Dublin Applied for on 2021-05-28 take the free trial here.

Royal Hospital Donnybrook

Plans Applied

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