The application site adjoins Fenian Street to the south, Bass Place to the east and Boyne Street to the north. The development comprises of a single storey extension of office floorspace at podium level with a floor area of 468 sq.m; in-fill of the existing vehicular link from the front of the office building to the rear podium with a floor area of 68 sq.m of offices floorspace, the total addition to the GFA is 536 sq.m. The development also proposes the removal of car parking spaces from the podium to provide for a landscaped amenity area for staff. The development also includes landscaping upgrades at lower ground floor level and amendments to the existing Boyne Street entrance to improve vehicular and pedestrian/ cyclist access to the site; the existing security hut will be removed and replaced with new barrier and access control pedestals; and associated ancillary site works.

To find out more details on this Office Development in Dublin Granted permission on 2016-02-02 take the free trial here.

Cumberland House

Plans Granted

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