3. The proposed development of a nursing home shall be reduced at the western end by the reduction in height to two stories with the removal of 4 single bedrooms on the 2nd and 3rd floors respectively and reconfiguration or relocation of the stairs and lift at this western end of the building. The number of bedrooms is reduced from 122 bedrooms to 114 bedrooms in total. Prior to the commencement of development, the above amendments/reduction to the development shall be submitted in writing to the Planning Authority for a written agreement. Reason: To prevent an overbearing aspect on the 2 story dwellings on Parnell Road, enhance the visual amenities on the Conservation Area of the Grand Canal and prevent any adverse impact on the redevelopment potential of the lands to the west which is zoned Z1 residential.

To find out more details on this Care Home Development in Dublin Granted permission on 2021-09-10 take the free trial here.

Menni House

Plans Granted

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