Permission for a period of ten years for development at this site of 16. 5 hectares that is located within lands in the Grange Castle South business park and includes the residential property of Ballybane, old Bangor Road on land within the townlands of Milltown; Ballybane and; Aungierstown and Ballybane; and bounding Baldonnel Road to the west; both the old and new Bangor Road to the north; and grange castle south access road to the south, Baldonnel, Dublin 22. The development will consist of the following: (1) the demolition of the existing two-storey dwelling of Ballybane and associated farm buildings (565sq. M) and the construction of 3 two-storey data centres with mezzanine floors at each level of each facility and associated ancillary development that will have a gross floor area of 80,269sq. M on an overall site of 16. 5hectares. (2) 1 two-storey data centre (building a) that will be located to the south-west of the site and will have a gross floor area of 28,573sq. M. And will include 26 emergency generators located at ground floor level within a compound to the northern side of the data centre with associated flues that will be 25m in height. The facility will also include 26 ventilation shafts which will be located above the northern end of each emergency generator that will measure 20m in height. (3) 1 two-storey data centre (Building B) which will be located to the north-west of the site, and to the immediate north of Building A and will have a gross floor area of 21,725sq.m and which will include 18 emergency generators located at ground floor level within a compound to the northern side of the data centre with associated flues that will be 25m in height. The facility will also include 18 ventilation shafts which will be located above the southern end of each emergency generator that will measure 20m in height. (4) 1 two storey data centre (Building C) which will be constructed last, will be located to the eastern part of the site on a north-south axis and will have a gross floor area of 28,573sq.m. It will include 26 emergency generators located at ground floor level within a compound to the western side of the data centre with associated flues that will be 25m in height. The facility will also include 26 ventilation shafts that will be located above the western end of each emergency generator that will measure 20m in height. (5) Each of the three data centres will include data storage rooms, associated electrical and mechanical plant rooms, loading bays, maintenance and storage spaces, office administration areas, and plant including PV panels at roof level as well as a separate house generator for each facility which will provide emergency power to the admin and ancillary spaces. Each data centre will also include a diesel tank and a refuelling area to serve the proposed emergency generators. (6) The overall height of each data centre apart from the flues and plant at roof level is c. 19.85m above the finished floor level. (7) 1 temporary and single storey substation (29sq.m). (8) 3 single storey MV buildings (each 249sq.m – 747sq.m in total) which manage the supply of electricity from the substations to each data centre and are located to the immediate west of the generator compound within buildings A and B, and to the south of the generator compound withing building C. (9) 8 prefabricated containerised electrical rooms (65sq.m each and 520sq.m overall) that are stacked in pairs to the immediate south of the temporary substation. (10) Ancillary site development works, which will include attenuation ponds and the installation and connection to the underground foul and stormwater drainage network and installation of utility ducts and cables which will include the drilling and laying of ducts and cables under Baldonnel stream. Other ancillary site development works will include hard and soft landscaping, lighting, fencing, signage, service road, entrance gate, sprinkler tank house (72sq.m), security hut (30sq.m) and 150 car parking spaces and 78 sheltered bicycle parking spaces. The development will be enclosed with landscaping to all frontages including a wetland to the west. The development will be accessed from the Grange Castle South Access Road from the south via the Baldonnel Road. An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) has been submitted with this application.
To find out more details on this Factory Development in Dublin Applied for on 2020-05-26 take the free trial here.