EXT OF DURATION: For development at 10-12 Hogan Place, Dublin 2. (At the corner of Hogan Place and Harmony Row, and backing onto Temple Court). The development consists of the demolition/partial demolition of the existing four/five storey office block, including existing steel railings at street level, and the construction of a six storey building (overall height one storey above existing building). The new building with a gross floor area of 5,657 sq.m contains 211sq.m of own door commercial/retail space with pedestrian access from Hogan Place and an ESB sub-station at ground level accessed from Harmony Row. Commercial/Office space will occupy the remainder of the ground floors and the floors above. Car parking, bicycle, storage and plant are accommodated in an existing basement with access through an existing archway and ramp off Harmony Row. The main office access is on Hogan Place alongside the fully glazed commercial retail units which are setback to form a wider footpath. The application also includes all associated ancillary works and site development works, including hard and soft landscaping and enhancements to the site boundaries. Low level screened external plant necessary for the internal environment of the building is located on the roof. To the top of the building, parts of the elevations are set back to form open roof space accessed internally for maintenance.
To find out more details on this Office Development in Dublin Started on 2016-07-22 take the free trial here.