for development of a 123 No. bed Hotel with Public Bar and Restaurant at a 0.26 ha site. The site is bounded by a disused railway viaduct to the northeast, Johns Green to the southeast, Wolfe Tone Street to the southwest, and an existing medical centre to the Northwest. The site includes a former hospital which is a Protected Structure (RPS Ref B112).(No works are proposed to the viaduct which is outside of the subject site).The development will consist of the demolition of: a single storey detached Gate Lodge to the southeast (125sqm);a single storey out building to the east of the site(19sqm); extensions to the former hospital (including the front porch, two single storey rear extensions, and the two-storey extension to the southeast(399sqm);a 23m length of boundary wall to Wolfe Tone Street, to the southwest, to provide a new vehicular and pedestrian entrance and a further 4.9m length to accommodate an ESB substation ;and a 1m length of boundary wall to Johns Green to the southeast to widen the existing pedestrian gate. The development will also consist of the refurbishment and adaptive reuse of the retained(751sqm) three-storey over basement level former hospital (most recently in use as a tourist hostel) as a hotel including; Elevational works and refurbishment including painting of render and localised repair; repair and relocation of a historic window from the side to the front elevation and replacement of non-original windows; provision of front door and limestone door surround, and replacement of other non-historic doors; Opening up, closing off and alterations to selected external opes; Changes to ground levels to front of building to reveal basement level windows and construction of glass balustrade to sides of front entrance; Repair and/or replacement of roof slates, flashing, ridge pieces, rainwater goods, chimneys; Internal works to comprise repair of historic internal plaster and joinery, alterations to opes, subdivision of rooms, removal and replacement of non-original fixtures and fittings, upgrading for fire protection and thermal performance and damp proofing, and the introduction of services. The development will also consist of the construction of:2 No. three-storey extensions to the rear(northeast) of the retained building(132sqm&48sqm) and the construction to the side(southeast) of a 5 storey over Basement Level extension(3552sqm) with set back upper level, roof plant and an underpass, with connections to the existing building from Basement Level etc.
To find out more details on this Hotel & Guesthouse Development in Kilkenny Granted permission on 2021-06-11 take the free trial here.