The proposed development will consist of: a mixed use development with a total gross floor area of 4896 sq.m and comprising 3 separate blocks arranged around a new street and public spaces. The 3 no. blocks contain the following accommodation: Block A (1380 sq.m): Mixed use block containing 3 no. shop units (totalling 378 sq.m), 1 no. cafe (65 sq.m) with residential development above consisting of 6 no. 3 bed duplex apartments and 2 no. 2 bed apartments. The 6 no. duplex apartments are provided with balconies and roof gardens (including private storage areas). Roof gardens are internally accessed from each unit via a staircore which extends to roof level. The proposed building is a three storey building, with a maximum height of 13.5 metres to the top of the roof level circulation core. Block B (838 sq.m): Mixed use block comprising medical centre (428 sq.m) over ground floor shop unit (410 sq.m). The proposed building is a 2 storey with a maximum height of 9.75 metres from the adjacent new street level. Block C (2110 sq.m.): Mixed use block containing a supermarket incorporating ancillary bakery and off-licence sales area of 1295 sq.m (net retail sales area) and an independent shop unit (48 sq.m). The supermarket is located over a surface level undercroft car park containing 59 no. car parking spaces and connection from the car park to the retail above is contained within a circulation area (via travelators, lift and stair cores). The proposed building is a three storey equivalent structure with a maximum height of 11.5 metres from the adjoining new street level. The supermarket is serviced by an external delivery / service area and dock leveller. A total of 98 parking spaces are proposed (59 undercroft parking spaces beneath supermarket building, 27 surface parking spaces and 12 surface parking spaces associated with the residential units). Access is provided from the existing entrance on the Castleknock Road which is to be upgraded and improved. Permission is also sought for associated landscaping, boundary treatment, signage and all associated site and development works, including the demolition of the existing buildings (including the single storey commercial premises, incorporating a flower shop and former betting office and a vacant dwelling, known as Church View totalling 626 sq.m.) Part of this site is located within the Castleknock Village Architectural Conservation Area.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Started on 2018-04-05 take the free trial here.