Gym Construction – Roundwood GAA Gym Extension

By | Industry News

€780k Gym Extension to Commence Monday 8th February

Roundwood GAA Club Gym Extension

Site: An Tochar GAA, Oldtown, Roundwood, Co. Wicklow

Floor Area: 358 Sq M
Build Value Estimate: €780k
Commencement Notice: 8th Feb 2016

Gym Construction: Alterations to previous granted permission file ref no. 08/284. The new proposal will incorporate a proposed c.313 sqm two strey extension to the rear of the existing clubhouse which will conorporate 2 no. changing rooms and referees changing rooms on ground floor, and entrance area and stairs as well as a gymnasuim and ancillary rooms on upper floor including 64sqm of external decking. Permission is also being sought for a separate c.45sqm single storey store to end gable of clubhouse. All works will include minor alterations to existing elevations and plans as well as all associated site works. The revisions will not include any alteration to the previously granted upgraded treatment system or previously granted revised entrance and car parking layout submitted under grant of permission file ref 08/284

An Tochar GAA
Nick Nolan
An Tochar GAA
Co. Wicklow

McAulay Rice Architects
Ian McAulay
First Floor, Green Tree House
Fitzwilliam Square
Wicklow Town
Co. Wicklow
0404-62178 |

Consulting Engineer
Colin Short Associates
Colin Short
Glen Road
01 2873711 | |

O’Sullivan Scientific Ltd
Pat O’Sullivan
Unit C28 Wicklow Enterprise Park
The Murrough
0404 64473 |

59 Multi-unit Residential Developments Granted in January 2016

By | Industry News

Positive Signals from the Residential Developments Sector

The image below provides a geographical location for each of the 59 Multi-unit Residential Developments (> 2 units) granted full planning permission in Ireland during January 2016.  The indicators for the Residential Developments sector are improving as BuildingInfo CEO, Danny O’Shea, pointed out in a recent interview with the Sunday Business Post.

Commenting specifically on the reducing lag time from Planning Application to On-site Commencement, Danny O’Shea says “This lead-in time has stagnated the industry in recent years, but we have seen it reduce gradually throughout 2015. At the beginning of 2015, the duration stood at 141 weeks. This will continue to reduce throughout 2016, further improving the activity levels in the sector. All of this augers well for increased residential output into 2016 and beyond,”.

Residential Developments Granted

Full details on each of the projects highlighted, including project descriptions and key contact details, on the above map are available to BuildingInfo subscribers.  We also offer free trial access via our website.  For further details feel free to contact our support team – 01 9053200 or

University Construction – €21 Million New Trinity College Business School

By | Industry News

University Construction Commenced on 27th January

Trinity College Business School

Site: 183-188 Pearse Street, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2

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Floor Area: 14,155 Sq M
Build Value Estimate: €21 Million
Commencement: 27th January 2016

Description: PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The Provost, Fellows, Foundation Scholars and the other members of Board, of the College of the Holy and Undivided Trinity of Queen Elizabeth near Dublin intend to apply for permission for University construction development (to be known as the Trinity Business School) at a 0.518 ha site approximately, within the campus of Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2. The site is principally bounded by Pearse Street to the north; the existing railway line to the east; existing structures on Pearse Street to the west and the Trinity College campus to the south. The site also includes Nos. 183-188 Pearse Street (incl.) which are Protected Structures, which will be refurbished as a cafe and student accommodation with related ancillary uses. The development will include the demolition of the following structures; the existing Sports Hall (Luce Hall), the maintenance workshops and first floor WCs to the rear of Nos. 183-188 Pearse Street and the Simon Perry engineering building. The development will consist of a business school; innovation and entrepreneurship hub; auditorium; cafe and student accommodation with ancillary administration, staff and student uses. The proposed new building comprises six floors of lecture/office accommodation (25.15 m above ground level) over two basement levels (11,714 sqm Gross Floor Area) linked to Nos. 183-188 Pearse Street. The development will also include the refurbishment, including internal revisions, of Nos. 183-188 Pearse Street, which will be extended at the rear ground floor level to provide cafe use with student accommodation at first (including rear terraces) and second floor levels (2,441 sqm Gross Floor Area including basement). The development will include the refurbishment of shopfronts to Nos. 183-188 Pearse Street and related elevational works; changes in level; the part infill and deepening of the existing basement to the rear of Nos. 183-188 Pearse Street; minor reconfiguration works at the interfaces between the existing Protected Structures and proposed new development; revised boundary treatment to Pearse Street; landscaping; bicycle parking provision; basement surface water attenuation tanks; plant and storage areas; balconies and terraces; signage; diversion of underground services; set-down areas; ESB substation and all related site development and excavation works above and below ground.

Trinity College Dublin
Trinity Bioscience Building
152-160 Pearse Street
Dublin 2
01 8963989 | |

Scott Tallon Walker Architects
David Cahill
19 Merrion Square
Dublin 2
01 6693000 | |

Tom Philips & Associates
John Gannon
2-3 Roger’s Lane
Lower Baggot Street
Dublin 2
01 478 6055

Consulting Engineer
ARUP Consulting Engineers
15 Oliver Plunkett Street
Co. Cork
021 4277670 | |

BAM Building Ltd
Co. Kildare
045 886 400 | |

David Slattery Conservation Architects
David Slattery
8 Vergemount
Dublin 6
01 2697344 | |

Residential Building Sector – Sunday Business Post

By | Industry News

Focus on Residential Building

In an article from the Sunday Business Post, dated 31st January 2016, Tina-Marie O’Neill takes a look at the current state of play in the Residential Building Sector.  Her highly informative article sources statistics and data from the Building Information Index and CEO Danny O’Shea shines a positive light on improvements being observed through the index. Sunday Business Post

Not so quiet on the new homes front

New homes developments are beginning to appear in the greater Dublin area

It is encouraging to see a flurry of new homes schemes either on the market or preparing to launch in the greater Dublin area at this early stage of the year. With average rents in Dublin just shy of the 2007 peak rental figures, an increase in new homes on the market will certainly help alleviate the housing shortage. Despite the positive upswing, a recent forecast report from the Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland put the annual number of homes needed in Dublin at 7,000 and currently the figures fall well short of that. By the end of 2015, just 2,735 homes had received planning permission, prompting the SCSI to argue that the lack of supply continues to put pressure on the “dysfunctional” property market. It also criticised a lack of planning staff in local authorities which translated into long delays on badly needed projects. A small ray of light on that front came from Danny O’Shea of the Building Industry Index. According to O’Shea, the residential sector is on a strong growth trajectory with applications up at the end of 2015 by 29 per cent on the previous year and – more importantly – commencements were up by 98 per cent. As well as that, the average lead-in time for projects to start is reducing. It is currently at about 132 weeks from application to commencement. “This lead-in time has stagnated the industry in recent years, but we have seen it reduce gradually throughout 2015. At the beginning of 2015, the duration stood at 141 weeks. This will continue to reduce throughout 2016, further improving the activity levels in the sector. All of this augers well for increased residential output into 2016 and beyond,” said O’Shea…. To read full article – Not so quiet on the new homes front – Sunday Business Post 31 1 2016

Locations of 39 Planned Hotel Construction Projects

By | Industry News

Activity in the Hotel Construction Sector

Since January 2015 the research team at Building Information Ireland have identified almost 40 new Hotel & Guest-house Construction projects submitted for planning permission. The image below provides a geographic location for each.  Details on each of these projects including full project description, size and floor area, build cost estimate, key dates and design team contact details are available to subscribers.  Why not try for free here?

Hotel Construction Projects

At BuildingInfo we research and publish data on all Hotel Construction projects as well as projects in every other construction sector.  Our data is published in real-time via our online project database.

€28m Adare Manor Hotel Refurbishment Project in Co. Limerick

By | Industry News

Planning Permission Granted for Refurbishment of one of Ireland’s most Prestigious Hotels

Adare Manor Hotel Refurbishment

Hotel Refurbishment Value Estimate: €28 Million

Floor Area: 10,500 Sq M

Granted Permission: 19th Jan 2015

10 day free trial

Hotel Refurbishment: Internal walls/infill of opes; revisions to internal layout of lower ground floor level of hotel comprising re-arrangement and upgrade of hotel uses including demolition of spa, replacement with a new spa facility on same footprint with new external elevation/roof; A new single storey double height ballroom/conference space at lower ground floor level; provision of new hotel bedroom wing to the west arranged over 5 levels, revisions to service yard, linked to existing manor by external covered walkway; provision of additional hotel bedrooms in existing roof space & related elevational amendments, development results in 7,664sqm of new hotel floor area(increase of 31 No bedrooms), part-demolition/refurbishment of golf clubhouse, revised internal layout, new glazed façade/elevational amendments (increase in floor area of 247sqm), provision of golf club related uses in lieu of existing bedroom accommodation in carriage house; removal of existing staircase from central carriage arch to adjoining carriagehouse(Clubhouse) & new door opes, replacement of glazed corridor with new open cloister; revisions to existing car parking, re-configured/new surface carparking areas north of golf clubhouse & proposed ballroom/conference space resulting in carparking provision of 340 spaces. A new single storey energy centre(244sqm) to serve hotel complex/golf clubhouse, removal/replacement of existing halfway house with new pavilion between 9th/10th holes on golf course(52sqm); A new facilities complex comprising maintenance/laundry, staff, parking/storage(2,588sqm) ranging from 1-2 storeys located south of the Estate; provision of new vehicular access off N21 at western boundary & new security building/gates and new internal two-way road(6m wide) running for 572 metres from new access point connecting to existing estate road. Revisions to main entrance to Adare Manor, removal of existing security building/gates, construction of new single storey security building(28sqm), gates/revised boundary treatments. Hard/soft landscaping/boundary treatments; attenuation works; foul pumping station; plant; revisions to internal roads; staff/overflow car parking; changes in level; piped infrastructure/ducting; services; bicycle parking; signage & waste management; external lighting/site development/excavation works (Environmental Impact Statement submitted with planning application)

Tizzard Holdings Ltd.
Colm Hannon
Arthur Cox
Arthur Cox Building
Earlsfort Terrace
Dublin 2

ReardonSmith Architects
Sundras Naidoo
The Leathermarket
Weston St
+44 20 73786006 | |

Landscape Architect
ReardonSmith Architects
Ed Freeman
The Leathermarket
Weston St
+44 20 73786006 | |

Healy & Partners
Mike Murphy
The Mill
Glentworth Street
Co. Limerick
061 410966 | |

Consarc Design Group LTD
Dawson Stelfox
The Gas Office
4 Cromac Quay
028 90828400 | |

Tom Philips & Associates
John Gannon
2-3 Roger’s Lane
Lower Baggot Street
Dublin 2
01 4786055 | |

Consulting Engineer
Punch Consulting Engineers
Sundras Naidoo
Carnegie House
Library Road
Dun Laoghaire
01 2712200 | |

Creagh House Environmental Ltd
Creagh House
022 24433 |

€12m Slane Castle Whiskey Distillery Construction Project

By | Industry News

Distillery Construction Project commenced on 4th January

Slane Castle Whiskey Distillery

Build Value: €12 Million

Floor Area: 4,586 Sq M.

Commencement: 4th January 2015

10 day free trial

(BuildingInfo Contains 1000’s of other projects you will be interested in)

The site is located within the Slane Castle Demesne Architectural Conservation Area. The development consists of amendments to the approved Planning Permission, (File Number SA130152). The previous application comprised the creation of a new whiskey distillery and visitor centre and associated development to be set within the existing two-storey East Stableyard, single storey West Courtyard, the East, Middle and West Farmyards and the Gardeners Cottage and Gardens. The site for the development is located approximately 110m to the north-west of Slane Castle. This application seeks permission for modifications to the previously granted development, plus new developments in the enlarged development area. The construction project development will consist of: At Blocks A & B, comprising the two-storey East Stableyard, the layout of the courtyard paving is to be changed, changes to the structures include minor modifications to external fire stairs, minor alterations to windows, internal and external doors, fire-rated partitions, and additional Distillation Condensers and vents to walls and roofs. At Block C, the approved extension to the East Stableyard, the modifications include the enlargement of the Column Still Room by (44m2) over three floors, internal modifications to the stair and lift shaft, external roof lights changed to clerestory windows, minor changes to location external doors, windows and vents. At Block D, the single storey West Courtyard, the modifications include minor changes to internal and external doors, internal partitions, new visitor’s toilet room, and relocated universal access toilet. At Block E, the Energy Centre/Co-Products Building, the modifications include the addition of a new single storey Boiler House of (92m2) to the east gable end with rooftop ventilation monitors, new basement of (47.5m2) under the north end, relocation of the entire Block E to the west by 2.4M, modification to the design of the roof at the south west corner, deeper basement levels for bunding, modifications to the external timber cladding and doors, and relocation of the adjacent underground water storage tanks and piping ducts. At Block F, the Spirit House, the modifications include changes to the internal layout of the former Calving Shed to accommodate staff facilities and the addition of new rooflights; modifications to the roof, rooflights and external cladding to the cask handling yard; …….

Slane Castle Irish Whiskey Ltd
Slane Castle
Co. Meath
041 982 0643 |

MESH Architects
Thomas McGimsey
11 Hume Street
Dublin 2
01 6393958 | |

Duggan Brothers Construction
Co. Tipperary
0504 31311 | |

Casey O’Rourke Associates
John F Casey
77 Merrion Square
Dublin 2
01 6611100 | |

Quantity Surveyor
Austin Reddy & Company
14 The Seapoint Building
44-45 Clontarf Road
Dublin 3
01 8530400 | |

Locating Industrial Construction Projects

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How to target Industrial Construction Projects in less than 1 min

In this short clip we show you how to pinpoint high value Industrial Construction Projects in less than 1 min.  BuildingInfo is a well designed and easy to use sales resource for companies looking to do business in the Irish construction industry. Within a few clicks you can get access to 1000’s of researched construction project leads in your sector.



BuildingInfo construction projects data is compiled by a team of qualified researchers.  Our database is updated in real time and available to you instantly via our web portal – a free 10 day trial is available.

Residential Apartment Construction in Dublin

By | Industry News

80 Apartment Construction Projects Granted Planning Permission during 2015

Our research team have identified 80 apartment construction projects granted planning permission in Dublin during 2015.  The works consist of 26 alterations schemes, 9 extensions to existing developments and 45 new build schemes.

Total units: 2,733

Total Estimated Build Value: €485 Million

Residential Apartment Construction Dublin

Details on all of these schemes are available to our subscribers and via our free 10 day trial.

Ventac – Ireland’s Leading Industrial Noise Control Specialists

By | Industry News

Interview with Brian Scully, Business Development Manager

Ventac are Ireland’s leading noise control specialists based in their state of the art laboratory facilties in Blessington Co. Wicklow.

Ventac Industrial Noise Experts


How do Ventac specialise for the Irish construction sector?

As a specialist acoustics company Ventac offer a comprehensive range of generic and bespoke building acoustic solutions which can be used at every stage of any construction project. Our range includes products that successfully reduce impact noise, air noise, structure borne noise, reverberation noise as well as containment of construction noise

·         Acoustic Flooring Products ·         Acoustic Insulation ·         Acoustic Battens
·         Attenuators and Silencers ·         Rigid and Flexible Acoustic Screens ·         Rigid or Flexible Acoustic Enclosures
·         Acoustic Panels – Walls and Ceilings ·         Baffles ·         Acoustic Louvres
·         Anti-Vibration Mounts ·         Flexible Acoustic Jackets
Ventac Acoustic Louvres

Fig. 1 – Ventac Acoustic Louvres

What makes Ventac unique?

Ventac is a complete solution provider to the construction sector for all Acoustic requirements. We design, manufacture and test a full range of bespoke Acoustic solutions. We have one of the most advanced acoustic laboratories in Europe at our headquarters in Blessington.

Our Acoustic Laboratory allows Ventac test and develop components and new products for the Construction market.  So if the requirement is for a bespoke solution, we can fully test and evaluate performance before supply. This approach ensures the customer gets the right solution at the right cost, first time.

Ventac Acoustic Quilts

Fig. 2 – Ventac Acoustic Quilts

The construction industry is emerging from a sustained period of contraction. Where are the growth areas for your business? 

The main areas for growth in 2016 will be projects within the Industrial and commercial sector in Ireland. Commercial developments such as hotels, auditoria, prestige office developments or corporate headquarters will often require high end acoustic treatments with a strong emphasis on the aesthetic.

We also see expansion in the food and dairy business as well as the pharmaceutical manufacturers and our acoustic treatments for air management and plant noise would be employed here. Silencers, attenuators, acoustic louvres or full scale acoustic enclosures for roof mounted services such as AHU’s, and Condenser fans.

The biggest growth area for Ventac over the last 30 months has been the Data Centre developments, where the acoustic treatment for air noise is paramount. Temperature levels and cooling requirements are critical to the running of these centres and that demand produces considerable noise levels.The solutions here require a strong knowledge of acoustics and construction, assembly and wind load calculations, being critical when the sheer size of the screens are considered.

Having already delivered acoustic solutions to a small number of data centres over the past two to three years we believe that hard earned experience should be of value when discussing future treatment options on new developments.

Ventac Pumping Station Housing

Fig. 3 – Ventac Pumping Station Housing

What are the challenges facing your industry?  

I see the challenges for our industry falling under three main areas:  Enforcement of the noise legislation regulations in Ireland. Capital expenditure for noise control in the workplace. Greater understanding of the benefits of noise control strategy.

I believe the new regulations relating to noise have received a mixed response and appear to be somewhat controversial. Care to expand?

Yes the new BS4142 regulation is proving to be somewhat problematic and in many cases is ignored unless enforced by the local authorities.  Its certainly a hot topic both here and the UK with ambiguity in terms of interpretation and enforcements

Ventac Acoustic Enclosure

Fig. 4 – Ventac Acoustic Enclosure

What recent projects have you been involved in? 

Unfortunately, a lot of our larger projects are covered by NDA’s. Suffice to say in the last 18 months we’ve been involved in a number of projects within the commercial sector and the industrial manufacturing sector working with companies such as Cooley Distillery, Arabawn Dairies, Facebook, Baxter Healthcare, Stryker Group, Diageo and North Cork Co-Op.  Our work with ESB and Bord Gais is something we are particularly proud of and is typical of our ongoing collaborative work with local authorities and semi-state organisations.

Ventac Knockraha ESB Project work

Fig. 5 – Ventac Knockraha ESB project work

How optimistic are you going into 2016?

Very optimistic! there are a number of key projects already under way and we see this continuing for 2016. We have seen through the number of new enquiries we have had this year that the Irish economy is rebounding strongly.

You’ve recently subscribed to Building Info – has it been beneficial to date?

Absolutely – BuildingInfo gives us a platform to promote Ventac and engage with the construction market. Our product offering is quite specialised so talking to the right people at the right time in terms of project development and solution options is paramount. BuildingInfo give us that level of information and visibility.


Details on Ventac range of services, products and expertise can be found on their website.

Call Brian Scully 045 851500 or email for further details