
Industry News

Construction Sector Employment up 18.5%

By | Industry News

In a press release yesterday the Minster for Housing, Planning and Construction Paudie Coffey TD commented on the significant rise in numbers of people employed in the Irish construction sector.  Referencing the “over-heated” state of employment in the construction sector in 2008 he points to the effectiveness of the Governments ‘Construction 2020’ strategy and its aim of creating an additional 60,000 jobs in the Irish construction sector by 2020. The Minister references the impact the strategy has had in its first year with the creation of 19,600 additional construction sector jobs with construction sector employment standing now 126,000 at this stage of 2015.

Construction Sector Employment

Speaking yesterday the Minister said “A healthy economy must have a vibrant construction sector, and we are making progress with the continued delivery of the Construction 2020 Strategy.  In the last year we have seen employment grow by almost 20,000 to 126,000 people.  The number of houses being built is increasing and the number of commencement notices for construction of houses has more than doubled when compared to 2014. The number of planning permissions in the first quarter of 2015 has increased by 97% when compared to the same period in 2014.

While a far cry from the unsustainable numbers in 2008 the rise in construction sector employment this year must be seen as a positive sign for the continued recovery of the construction sector and the Irish economy as a whole.

Full details of the Minster’s statement can be read in yesterday’s press release.

For accurate and up-to-date details on current projects contributing to the recovery of the Irish construction sector visit the BuildingInfo website and avail of our 10 day free trial.

Stillorgan Shopping Centre Alterations – Commercial Construction

By | Industry News

€16m Facelift and Refurbishment of Stillorgan Shopping Centre


Stillorgan Village Centre
Lower Kilmacud Road & Old Dublin Road
Co. Dublin

Floor Area: 15028 Sq M

Build Value: €16m

Granted Date: 6th August 2015

Permission for 1. Upgrade and refurbishment to the north-east and south-east elevations. 2. Upgrade and refurbishment of the internal mall elevations. 3. Removal of existing partial canopy to internal mall and provision of full glass canopy to the internal mall. 4. Extension of 12 sqm to Unit 19 (existing off-licence) located at ground floor level. 5. Provision of a proposed additional 415 sqm gross floor space above existing Unit 47/48/49 (Donnybrook Fair)for use as a café/restaurant. 6. Extension of existing Unit 46 by 16 sqm gross and amalgamation with Unit 47/48/49 (Donnybrook Fair) of 336 sqm to provide a single unit of 352 sqm. 7. Relocation of the existing entrance/exit from Lower Kilmacud Road to a position further to the west. 8. Amendments to internal layout and pedestrian and vehicular circulation of the car park at Stillorgan Village Centre. 9. Provision of Vehicle Messaging System signs at 4 no. locations in the surrounding area. 10. Re-ordering of the existing southern entrance from Dublin Road to the Red Car Park (Main) to left-in left-out only. 11. Re-ordering of the existing northern entrance from Dublin Road to the Red Car Park (Main) including new entrance lane and replacement pedestrian access/ramps. 12. Re-ordering of the Red Car Park (Main) including extension of parking area into the footpath adjacent to the junction of Kilmacud Road and Dublin Road. 13. Relining of the Green Car Park (overflow) to incorporate disabled, parent/child and electric charging spaces. 14. Provision of additional cycle parking spaces in the Red Car Park (Main) and service area. 15. Removal/relocation of all existing signage and provision of a common signage strategy for the Centre. 16. All associated and ancillary works, including hard and soft landscaping and lighting. The proposed commercial construction development will provide and overall additional gross floor space of 443 sqm.

Stillorgan Commercial Construction

Cavalli Investments Plc
Cavalli Real Estate Fund 1
33 Sir John Rogerson’s Quay
Dublin 2

Consultant Engineer
Waterman Moylan
Marine House
Clanwilliam Place
Dublin 2
01 6648900 | |

DMOD Architects
Cathedral Court
New Street
Dublin 8
01 4911700 | |

John Spain Associates
50 Upper Mount Street
Dublin 2
01 6625803 | |

Dermot Foley Landscape Architects
Argus House
Malpas Street
Dublin 8
01 4545148 | |

Windmill Lane – High Profile Dublin Commercial Construction Project

By | Industry News

Mixed Commercial Construction Project – Residential, Office and Retail Units Granted Permission


1-4 Windmill Lane
1-3 Hanover Street East
19-20 Creighton Street
Dublin 2

Build Value: €34 Million

Floor Area: 16545 Sq M

Extension of Duration Granted: 19th August 2015

EXT OF DURATION: The commercial construction project development will consist of: – Demolition of existing warehouse buildings, the retention of No. 19 Creighton St and the development of a mixed use development consisting of a 4 to 6 storey office building including setback penthouse levels with roof terraces at 3rd floor level, ground floor café and associated rooftop plant. – A 4-5 storey residential building with retail space at ground floor and residential development on the upper floors around a raised first floor level landscaped courtyard providing 15 No. units consisting of 3No. 1 bed units, 8 No. 2 bed units & 4 No. 3 beds with associated balconies and roof terrace at 5th floor. At ground floor level pedestrian access is proposed to the offices from Windmill Lane. Access to the residential units is provided along Creighton St and access to the residential courtyard is provided along Creighton St. & Hanover St East. The development also proposes an ESB substation above flood level. 58 car parking spaces, 214 bicycle spaces and associated plant space are provided in a single basement car park accessed via a new vehicular ramp off Hanover St East. The total gross floor areas provided are as follows: 13,980 sq.m. of office, 887 sq.m. of retail & 1678 sq.m. of residential combining for an overall proposed commercial construction project development of 16,545 sq.m. (excluding basement). Al the above, including all associated ground and landscaping works is to be carried out on a site of 0.4223 hectares.  Companies below listed from original application in 2009 – Reference 4071/09

Commercial Construction Project Windmill Lane

Hibernia REIT plc
Marine House
Clanwilliam Place
Dublin 2
01 9058370 | |

HKR Architects
The First Floor
The Courtyard
01 5167328 | |

John Spain Associates
50 Upper Mount Street
Dublin 2
01 6625803 | |

Consultant Engineer
O’Connor Sutton Cronin
9 Prussia Street
Dublin 7
01 8682000 | |

Quantity Surveyor
Paul Corrigan and Associates Ltd
Hillcrest House
Hillcrest Road
Sandyford, Dublin 18
01 2136300 | |

100+ Dublin Construction Projects Commenced

By | Industry News

Dublin construction projects commenced with build value greater than €1m each – Q1 &Q2 2015

The image below is a visual representation of more than 100 construction projects with a build value in excess of €1m that commenced in Dublin during the first two quarters of 2015. The number of Residential construction projects on the map is an interesting highlight with density of commercial construction project increasing towards the city centre.

Construction Projects Dublin

Full details on all of the construction projects referenced on this visual are available on our website to subscribers or on our free 10 day trial. Building Information Ireland, based in Malahide Co. Dublin, researches and publishes construction project data for all of Ireland. Our subscribers have privileged access to 1000’s of researched construction project leads on a 24/7 basis via our online portal.

School Construction – Presentation Brothers College Extension, Mardyke, Cork

By | Industry News

Presentation Brothers College

Value: €200k

Floor Area: 280 Sq M

Commencement Notice: 24th August 2015

School Construction / Extension: To remove an existing pre-fabricated building and to construct a single storey locker room/entrance extension to the west of the existing gym and a single storey canteen extension to the east of the existing canteen, together with minor alterations to the existing pedestrian entrance including all associated site works.

MOS School construction

Murnane & O’Shea Ltd.
Co. Cork
027 50198 | |

KOBW Architects
Heron House
Blackpool Retail Park
021 450 2319 | |

Presentation Brothers College
Co. Cork
021 4272743 | |

€25m Student Accommodation Granted – Dorset Street Upper, Dublin 1

By | Industry News

€25m Student Accommodation Apartment Development
104A, 105-106, 107-115 Dorset Street Upper
65-70 Wellington Street
Dublin 1
Co. Dublin

Floor Area: 14248 Sq M

Units: 108

Granted Date: 16th July 2015

Targeted Investment Opportunities PLC intend to apply for planning permission on a 0.57 ha site located at portion of 104A part 105-106 and 107-115 Dorset Street Upper & No 65-70 Wellington Street Lower, Dublin 1. The site is bounded on the east by Dorset Street Upper, on the north by Wellington Street Lower, on the west by Paradise Place and on the south by existing school and playground to rear of St. Mary’s Place North. The development consists of the demolition of a single storey flat roofed building c.55 sq.m to the south of the site and the construction of 108 no. student accommodation units (463 no. bed spaces) and associated uses comprising c. 14,248 sq.m gross floorspace including c. 297 sq.m of retail/retail services/cafe café/ restaurant/ financial services/ medical floorspace. The proposed development ranges in height from 4 storeys (with partial set back at 3rd floor) along Paradise Place and 4 storeys along Wellington Street Lower; the development is 6 storeys including a setback storey at 5th floor level along Dorset Street with step down to 4 storeys at north and south gables; the inner courtyard spine blocks are 5 and 6 storeys respectively. The development also includes a number of communal facilities including gym, large item store, reception/ management suite, common room, laundry room, TV Room, study room. Waste storage and collection areas are provided along Wellington Street and Paradise Place respectively. The development includes a plant area located at lower ground floor. On Dorset Street at Ground Floor level the following uses are proposed: – Gym – 2 no. retail/ retail services/ café/ restaurant/ financial services/ medical units/ (with an option to subdivide unit no. 1 into two number retail units). Associated signage zones provided on the fascia of these units. – Management suite/ entrance lobby/ reception including general office, manager’s office, communications room, kitchen, staff WC/ shower room. Development to include 2 no. disabled parking spaces and loading bay along Paradise Place. 160 no. bicycle spaces provided at surface level within the development. Open space is provided in 3 no. internal landscaped courtyards. An accessible roof garden is located at 5th floor level on the northern internal spine block. Associated landscaping and public realm improvements along Dorset Street and Paradise Place. Access to the development is via controlled access on Dorset Street and via a controlled pedestrian gate on Paradise Place. The development includes internal switch rooms and plant; all site development works, landscaping, waste management facilities and all other ancillary works.

Henry J Lyons Student Accommodation

Targeted Investment Opportunities Ltd
25-28 North Wall Quay
Dublin 1

John Spain Associates
50 Upper Mount Street
Dublin 2
01 6625803 | |

Henry J Lyons Architects
51- 54 Pearse Street
Dublin 2
01 8883333 | |

Mitchell & Associates
3rd Floor
148 Phibsboro Road
Phibsboro, Dublin 7
01 4545066 | |

Kennett Consulting Limited
63 Lower Mount Street
Dublin 2
01 2544148 | |

Consultant Engineer
Herbert House
Harmony Row, Dublin 2
01 4004000 | |

Student Accommodation Application – Summerhill/Gardiner Lane, Dublin 1

By | Industry News

Student Accommodation
123-128 Summerhill, backing onto 6, 7, 7A Gardiner Lane
Dublin 1
Co. Dublin

Floor Area: 10476 Sq M

Application Date: 5th August 2015

The development will consist of modifications to extant permission Reg. Ref. 4521/08 (ABP Ref. PL.29N.233115), the duration of which was extended under Reg. Ref. 4521/08×1, comprising of the change of use from permitted hotel use to student accommodation use including internal and external modifications to the permitted scheme. Principal modifications include: modifications to the permitted internal layout to facilitate proposed change of use from hotel use to student accommodation use to provide a total of 374 no. student bed spaces and associated facilities including common/social spaces; study rooms; laundry room and facilities management offices and stores and the incorporation of a retail/café unit of approximately 96 sqm; omission of single storey element to the west of the site and replacement with courtyard/garden amenity space and 1 no. parking space for persons with disabilities; reduction in floor to floor heights from 2.85m to 2.7m on upper floor levels throughout the permitted scheme, and increase in ground floor from 4.7m to 5.4m (summerhill and central block only), allowing the incorporation of an additional floor in the block fronting onto Gardiner Lane (increase from 6 no. to 7 no. storeys onto Gardiner Lane with no overall increase in the permitted building height); modifications to the permitted eastern elevation to provide angled openings over the 7 no. permitted storeys; modifications to western elevations to replace green wall screen with angled windows over the 7 no. permitted storeys; omission of louvres from Gardiner Lane elevation; minor, localised, modification to the permitted footprint of the building together with associated modifications on all elevations; omission of permitted undercroft car parking (33 no. spaces) and replacement ancillary student accommodation uses; provision of a total of 332 no. bicycle parking spaces; conversion of permitted flat roof to roof gardens at seventh floor and eight floor levels (sixth and seventh floor level onto Summerhill Block and Central Blocks respectively); relocation of vehicular entrance on Summerhill and omission of vehicular exit (and associated ramp) onto Gardiner Lane, and all associated modifications to landscaping; boundary treatments; site and development works. The proposed modifications result in an overall increase from 9,310 sqm gross floor area (excludes car parking area) to 10,475.8 sqm (or 10,157.9 sqm excluding ancillary bicycle parking; plant and bin storage area); the proposed modifications are generally within the extent of the development permitted under Reg. Ref. 4521/08 (ABP Ref. PL.29N.233115) and presents a total of 8 no. storeys onto Summerhill; 7 no. storeys within the central block and 7 no. storeys ( 1 no. additional floor incorporated into the permitted building extent) onto Gardiner Lane.

Declan Brassil Student Accommodation

Summer Road Developments Ltd.
Block 1
Quayside Business Park
Dundalk, Co. Louth

Declan Brassil & Co. Ltd
Lincoln House
Phoenix Street
Smithfield , Dublin 7
01 8746153 | |

Student Accommodation Application – North King Street, Dublin 1

By | Industry News

Student Accommodation Development
62-63 North King Street
Dublin 1
Co. Dublin

Units: 10

Floor Area: 833 Sq M

Application Date: 31st July 2015

The development will consist of a 6-storey student accommodation building (total floor area 833 m2), comprising 10 no. apartments (9 no. 3-person and 1 no. 2- person), with office and common areas at ground level and a communal garden at roof level a balcony facing North King Street to each upper floor and a clear right-of-way from North King Street to the property to the rear.

Dixon McGaver Nolan Architects
14 Lower Baggot Street
Dublin 2
01 6764025 |

Construction Tender – €6.3m Saint Patrick’s Special School in Co. Wexford

By | Industry News

Upper Drumgold
Co. Wexford

Value: €6.3m

Floor area: 5926 Sq M

Tender Deadline: 15th September 2015

Construction Tender: a new school building for Saint Patrick’s Special School, Enniscorthy. The development will consist of a new part three-storey building of 5926m2, containing 20 Classrooms, Junior and Senior Dining Areas, General Purposes Hall, Library, Specialist Teaching Rooms for Art, Music, Daily Living Skills, Computers, Home Economics, Woodwork and Horticulture, Multi-Sensory rooms, Physiotherapy and Occupational therapy areas, Therapy and Treatment rooms, Nurses’s area, kitchen, ancillary storage and services. Access via existing entrance and exit onto Upper Drumgold, no works proposed to Protected Stone Boundary Wall. Site works to include internal school access road, bus pick up/set down area with covered canopy, 92 car parking spaces for staff and visitors, ball- court, external classrooms, external dining area, school gardens, play areas, landscaping and site services, all at Upper Drumgold, Enniscorthy, County Wexford.

Department of Education & Skills
Portlaoise Road
Tullamore, Co. Offaly
057 9324300 |

Department of Education & Skills
Portlaoise Road
Tullamore, Co. Offaly
057 9324300 |

Stephen Diamond Associates
68 Pearse Street
Dublin 2
01 6775670 | |

August 2015 – Construction Project Commencements

By | Industry News

75 Construction Project Commencements

The image below details the geographic distribution and main construction project sector of 75 construction project commencements that we currently have details on for August 2015.  All main construction project sectors are represented as the map points indicate.  The highest density of construction project commencements is naturally seen in the greater Dublin region – the largest construction project commencement in this dataset is a 154 unit Residential Development in West Co. Dublin which lodged a commencement notice for the 4th August.  Full details on all these schemes are available on our website and via our 10 day free trial.

Construction Project Commencements


Building Information Ireland publishes data on all construction project commencements, planning applications and decisions and construction tenders in Ireland. Our data covers all main construction sectors – residential, commercial & retail, industrial, medical, education, civil, social and agriculture.